Why Your Belief Is More Important Than Your Why

Do you really have belief in yourself ? If I had a dollar every time I heard someone say that you need to have a strong why in order to be successful in business and in life I would be Rockefeller rich. The reason I say this is because everyone on some level has a “why”.

A lot of people have a very good reason why they should be eating healthier . Lot’s of folks have really good reasons why they want to make more money in their life. Continue reading Why Your Belief Is More Important Than Your Why

Getting Healthy Isn’t A Goal It’s A Lifestyle

Well we are early into another New Year, what’s your goal this year?This makes me alive for 40 rotations around the sun.

Did you set a goal to get in the best shape of your life in 2016? Congratulations! With that said though, if this isn’t the first time you made this particular New Years resolution then we need to take a look at why that is.

It’s a vicious cycle that occurs every year. I am speaking about getting in shape and becoming a healthier human being. Continue reading Getting Healthy Isn’t A Goal It’s A Lifestyle

New Year Resolutions For 2016

I really hate talking about New Years resolutions so often people make them and they don’t ever finish what they started. I will admit though that I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to keeping resolutions.

With that said: my New Years resolutions are as follows.

  • Finally bring this blog to life and start focusing on bringing traffic here.
  • Make significant progress in my health journey.
  • Continue to develop my online business.
  • Be the best me possible

So well see how this goes……


Happy New Year and may you be blessed beyond measure this year 🙂

CHRISTmas To Make Merry Or Not That Is The Question

Over the years I have made a point to write about Christmas. I have friends who celebrate it and I have friends who do not.

Believe it or not their are many Christians in the world that don’t celebrate one of the holiest days according to many people of religion.

After all December 25th Christians celebrate the birth of the christ child. The problem occurs when you delve deeper into history and learn that this date isn’t accurate. Continue reading CHRISTmas To Make Merry Or Not That Is The Question

Enter Shaolin Taking Baby Steps

I am pretty excited, we finally held our first Enter Shaolin seminar. Not only did we get a chance to meet some of our online members we also had the opportunity to see the reality of our vision.

All in all it was a great weekend!

Doing what you love to do in life requires that you find your passion and you have to see yourself doing it before you are doing it…