Our First Full Enter Shaolin Seminar In Washington D.C. 2017

First I would like to say I feel so blessed to be able to share my Sifu’s martial art with the world.

I’ve been training with Sifu Phu for the past 24 years. It’s been an amazing journey.

While we have done seminars before this is the first time we have done a full seminar. I believe all of us who was there had a life changing experience.

What I found truly inspiring and amazing is the fact that the people who attended the seminar came because they are members of our Enter Shaolin family online.

We believe at Enter Shaolin that in order for you to be the best version of yourself you need to balance your Mind, Body and Spirit.

Take action today! Take our Free Video Course and Read Our Free Ebook!


Why Your Belief Is More Important Than Your Why

Do you really have belief in yourself ? If I had a dollar every time I heard someone say that you need to have a strong why in order to be successful in business and in life I would be Rockefeller rich. The reason I say this is because everyone on some level has a “why”.

A lot of people have a very good reason why they should be eating healthier . Lot’s of folks have really good reasons why they want to make more money in their life. Continue reading Why Your Belief Is More Important Than Your Why

Enter Shaolin Taking Baby Steps

I am pretty excited, we finally held our first Enter Shaolin seminar. Not only did we get a chance to meet some of our online members we also had the opportunity to see the reality of our vision.

All in all it was a great weekend!

Doing what you love to do in life requires that you find your passion and you have to see yourself doing it before you are doing it…

Doing Some Blind Chi Sao – This Is One Way To Develop Sensitivity Skill

In this video I got one of my students to do some blind folded Chi Sao. For those of you that don’t know what Chi Sao is, it is an exercise to training sensitivity in your hands, wrist & forearms. It also helps develop your structural integrity and footwork in the Wing Chun system of fighting.

A lot of folks who follow martial arts looks at Chi Sao and think that it’s the way that a Wing Chun man fights. Nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone who has seriously trained in Wing Chun understands that Chi Sao is just a training drill. Continue reading Doing Some Blind Chi Sao – This Is One Way To Develop Sensitivity Skill

Protecting Yourself In A Knife Attack

I don’t think any sane person wants to be in a knife fighting situation. The truth is if you happen to be on the victim of a knife attack there are some things you can do to minimize the risk to you.

One of the reasons why I am so passionate about sharing what I know about Kung Fu techniques is because while there is a lot of good information online there is also a ton of bad information.

I’ve watched videos on how to defend against knife attack that just won’t work in real life.

For example: Take this video right here… Continue reading Protecting Yourself In A Knife Attack