The first Time I heard my sifu say that it’s all in the wrist, I didn’t understand what he meant. It took me several years to fully grasp the idea of what having wrist control meant.
Initially I though he was just talking about turning and twisting from my wrist. While it’s true that you should control energy from that point. It wasn’t entirely what he was talking about…
Before you can control energy at the wrist you have to first project your energy to the wrist. That can be tricky to do especially if you don’t understand what it means to have forward energy projection.
It’s a fancy way of saying “keep your energy in your wrist” or another way you could say it is to have pressure in your wrist.
It sounds more complicated than it actually is to accomplish it. Here’s a video from our Enter Shaolin site I shot with my sifu Continue reading Putting Forward Energy Into Your Wrist – Wing Chun Training