I don’t post in this blog as much as I would like to but my friend sire over at wassup blogger started a Friday’s funnies and thought it would be fun to do myself. I know that in the blogging world they say that you should at least use 250 to 300 words to be a good blog post.
But then I started wondering about all those blogs that just use a video or picture and nothing else. So with these particular Fun Friday post I am going to see just how few words I can use while still remaining quality content.
So to kick this off …
I found this and thought it depicted how I was feeling today 🙂
There are many ways to earn extra cash with an online marketing blog. When it comes to blogging you need to look at is as a piece of property that you just bought. In the beginning your blog doesn’t have much life at all. After you spend some time giving it some love though your blog ends up taking on a life of its own.
Online Marketing Blog : 3 Mistakes To Avoid
I write in several blogs, they all have a specific purpose to them, all of them except this one. I started LarryRivera.com online because it’s my name and I bought the domain name. I didn’t want to use it as just a forwarding domain so I decided to blog here. Only problem is I don’t have any particular theme for it. I tend to write about what ever I want to. This is not the right way to make money with an online marketing blog.
Mistake #1 : Not having a focused blog. A good rule of thumb is that you want 10 main keywords you are going to write about. Each keyword should be related to the overall theme of your blog.
Mistake #2 : What your blog looks like is just as important as what your blog says. Really take the time and effort to make your blog a interesting place to visit. Don’t over clutter it with promotions.
Mistake #3 : Speaking of Promotions -> You really shouldn’t try and promote anything until after you have people reading your blog. Lately a lot of folks are talking about how important blogging is to your business, while this is true. If you are just starting out blogging you should first develop a readership based on your content, then work towards making money with your online marketing blog.
Online Marketing Blog : What Is Your Passion
If you are getting ready to start your first blog I highly recommend you create one based on your passion in life. If you do it this way you will be able to come up with much more content and be seen as an authority much easier by the people you attract to the blog.
There are many different blogging strategies and many different ways to make money from your online marketing blog. Non of them matter if your blog isn’t interesting. Once you find your groove the traffic will start to come. Make your blog as engaging as you can. Make sure to comment back to people that comment on your blog. Visit other bloggers sites and leave comments.
Develop marketing relationships with other bloggers. You would be amazed at how helpful and friendly some bloggers are. I hope you enjoy reading my blog, but remember what I said this particular blog is not a good example of an online marketing blog. Really the only reason I get any traffic on this site at all is because of personal promotions like back linking the purpose of this blog for me is to just express myself.
If this was my only blog then I would connect with marketing opportunities of some sort. I use this blog as nothing more than a relationship building blog. It is here so that people that follow me online can get to know the real me a little bit better.
Making Money Blogs – What separates you from everyone else?
I believe that in order for people to notice what you are doing you can’t just be another one of those making money blogs. I think the internet is littered with millions of them already. I have been working one of those making money blogs for sometime now and I won’t lie it’s very hard to compete against other online marketers especially if your technical skills are lacking. I have learned a thing or two that may quicken your ability to find your groove.
Making Money Blogs – Get A Jumpstart Ahead Of Everyone Else
If you are just starting out online I want to give you some of the best advice you can get online. Don’t start your journey in the make money at home from your home computer niche. Yep I said that! The biggest mistake that people make is believing that they can make money starting in this particular industry. Instead I highly recommend getting involved in a niche that you have a lot of knowledge in.
A while back I decided to not worry about what my sites looked like or how good my grammar skills where. When I started making videos I decided that I wouldn’t stand in front of a fancy care with some fancy digs on. The reason is because I have always believed that the content can stand on its own two feet. I always wanted to attract people to me that care more about content and less about aesthetics. I didn’t than as I don’t now have the time to worry about that sorta of stuff.
With the knowledge I have now about marketing online, I wish I did know how to build a book shelf or rebuild a motor. Heck I wish I knew how to sew. Why you might ask? It is because these are the types of things that can get you paid online.
Making Money Blogs – Why Blog?
There are only 3 reasons that I can think of, but they are 3 very good reasons and if you are on the fence about starting one of those making money blogs this should help convince you that you should.
Blogs are easy to use. Seriously compared to building other types of sites blogs are pretty basic. Also you can start learning how to use html. While to be a good blogger you don’t need to know much html you should know a little.
Seo benefits, compared to static websites blogs are easier when it comes to getting search engine rankings. Search engines love sites that are updated regularly.
You can create a social community. Blogs are great for finding people that are interested in what you are interested in.
To wrap this post up, just keep in mind that blogging should be fun. Like Me ? Hate Me? Breathing? Leave a comment I would love to know about it!
I started blogging somewhere around 2005 and I have steadily watched my sphere of influence grow. If you are interested in turning any hobby into a online business creating a blog is a good place to start. Before spending any real money on trying to turn your hobby into an income source you should first see if there are people out there that are interested in what you would like to sell. If you are using a blog its simply a matter of starting to write about your hobby.
Fear Of Writing – Don’t Let It Stop You
Fear in any form is debilitating. When it comes to blogging it seems many people are afraid to start one up because they are afraid of what people might think of them. Or they are afraid of not being a good writer. I was never a good writer in school and writing was one of my worse subjects.
I am still shocked that I enjoy writing as much as I do. That wasn’t always the case when I first started blogging. I sat in front of my computer screen just staring at it. When I finally got done my first post, I deleted it because I felt I had no idea what I was talking about. Finally I realized that unless I get over my fear of writing it is going to plague me the rest of my life, and I couldn’t live like that. So I sucked it up and published my first post. You know something it was terrible, in fact that entire blog was a nightmare, but I did learn how to blog from it and after I wrote my first post each post got easier to write. That was 5 years ago. Now I write in several blogs and guest post on other peoples blogs from time to time.
While there are many people out there that write in their blogs just for the hell of it. There are even more people writing for the hell of it and get paid in the process. As a blogger you can get paid through affiliate programs. An affiliate program is simple a way for you to earn commissions if someone buys something from clicking on a link on your blog.
Can Your Hobby Make You Money? Just about everything that is sold online has an affiliate program attached to it. There are two easy ways for you to determine if you hobby has affiliate programs.
1. You can go to your favorite online supply shop and look for a link that says affiliate partners.
2. You can do a google search like “Your Favorite Hobby” affiliate program and see what pops up.
In addition to those ways there are sites online that you can join as an affiliate and be able to market any of the programs involved with the affiliate network. 2 good examples of that are.
1. Clickbank: Probably the most popular affiliate network.
2. Commission Junction: The second most popular affiliate network.
Within those two networks alone you can find thousands of products that you can earn commissions from. As I was saying earlier in the post. It is best to first see if there is interest in your hobby. For example: Golf is a very popular hobby however that market is very saturated with competition and could be hard to earn from that niche. Don’t let that discourage you though because there are literally thousands of hobbies that are out there that are just ripe for the pickings.
To solve this problem I search for hours trying to find a solution but none of them worked. Then I came across this and applied it and it worked great. I don’t know if this will work for other wordpress blogs hosted on other servers, but it worked for my 1 and 1 hosted blogs…
Open notepad.
Copy the following code in to notepad:
Save the file as php.ini
Upload via FTP to BOTH your root directory of your blog as well as the wp-admin directory on your blog.
See if this resolves your problem. I was actually surprised that this worked for me. If not there are a more fixes but none of them worked for me.
Here are more solutions I found online:
1. Try looking for the php.ini file. You might find some redundant php.ini files, so make sure you have got the one which is actually being read by PHP. o be sure, create a new php file in your root folder, say “check.php” and have phpInfo(); within the php open and close tags. Execute this file to get the information on where the php.ini is residing. Normally it will be in /usr/local/lib/php.ini
Open the php.ini file in a text editor like TextPad (not in Notepad) and change the values for memory_limit. By default you should see memory_limit = 8M. Try changing it to 12M. If it doesn’t work, increase it to 16M or even 24M and so on.
2. In case you can’t find the php.ini file or do not have access to it, then open up the file which was throwing the error (admin.php in my case) and add a line below just after ini_set(’memory_limit’, ‘12M’);
3. You can even consider adding a line in .htaccess file which will resolve the issue. php_value memory_limit 32M
4. Or else, Try adding this line to your wp-config.php file:
Increasing memory allocated to PHP define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '32M');
5. Call your hosting provider and bitch to them that you are spending money every month the least they could do is give you shit that works… ( I highly recommend this choice ^_^)