How To Avoid Failing Like Other People When It Comes To Internet Marketing

It’s late at night and you are staring at your computer monitor wondering if indeed you can make money doing internet marketing. It seems like it was a lifetime ago that I was doing that very thing.

I failed so many times trying to figure out a way to make money without having to get a job that I was beginning to feel like there wasn’t going to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

To make matters worse it seemed like everywhere I clicked people online made it seem like it was easy to make money through internet marketing.

The problem I faced and it may be the same problem you face today is who do you trust to teach you what you need to know to thrive online? Continue reading How To Avoid Failing Like Other People When It Comes To Internet Marketing

Time Management – How To Get More Stuff Done

Larry Rivera | Post | Time Management

So me and my business partner Jamie Pelaez found ourselves running short on time. We decided to create a work schedule that we could maintain. After writing our schedule out we decided to do a video because we thought it would give you an idea of what you should be doing.

I am a successful online marketer, you have probably heard people say that you should model successful people. If your new to online marketing I highly recommend that after you watch this video you get busy creating your own working schedule.

Go ahead and watch the video 🙂

If you feel that you aren’t where you would like to be in your online marketing business or you just want to learn how to sell even more stuff than you already are. Click Here Now

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Keeping It Real – Blogging The Way It Was Meant To Be



While I ventured into internet marketing back in 2002, I really didn’t start making money till I started blogging.  A lot of people will tell you that you need to start blogging because it gets you free traffic.

While that is partly true…

The reality is it’s very hard to get organic traffic from search engines and social networks when all you are blogging about is how to make money online. I started making money blogging because it was a way for me to connect with my subscribers on my email list.

The real power of blogging is it gives you the power to connect to someone on a more personal intimate level. It is at this level that you are able to get people to join businesses with you. Blogging is the best way to create that rapport with a person who lives on the other side of the planet.

Maximize Your Earning Potential With Blogging

A huge mistake is people start to blog without actually having a marketing funnel in place. Lot’s of new bloggers go get adsense or some other contextual advertising and think they are going to make money.

Some bloggers sign up for affiliate programs like hoping to sell products. What usually ends up happening is they make a couple of dollars, however it never ends up being enough for them to quit their day job.

Unleashing a tidal wave of money getting deposited into your bank account from blogging is easy once you start blogging with purpose. That purpose can be to entertain, to educate or just to share your personal story of life.

The first step you should take is to start surrounding yourself around successful bloggers. Get involved with their online marketing businesses. Connect with them.  Not to long ago I was having a conversation with someone who said they want to be mentored by someone who is making $50,000 a month.

The fact is this: Mentors don’t look for students. A good student will seek out a teacher and prove to that person they are worth the mentors time. I’ve been marketing online for 12 years. I average 35 to 40 hours a week online building my business. I’ve been spending that much time online for over a decade now. That’s thousands of hours of immersed in the internet marketing world.

Technically most people could never afford to be coached by me. One of the biggest draws to internet network marketing for me is the fact that you can join someones business and they are obligated to teach you. The more they teach you, the better you get, the more money they make.

It’s a win/win situation. You get the training and knowledge you need to transition into an amazing career. Your mentor get’s the satisfaction of knowing they helped you as well as more money in their pockets…

I have already put in the time and spent the money to find out what the absolute best online opportunity to be involved with in 2013 onward. I highly recommend you click the banner below and investigate this for yourself.  I personally work with people who join my in what I am doing. I can help you transition from employee drone to living in total freedom..

If that is something that interest you absolutely click the banner below…


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If You Change Your Lifestyle You Will Change Your Destination

It’s Fascinating What Happens When You Change Your Lifestyle

Larry Rivera Internet Network Marketing

There was a time when I thought everything I did was hopeless. However I was going through a process of learning. I was essentially changing my lifestyle even though I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing.

Until recently I didn’t realize that on a subconscious level I was changing my internet network marketing lifestyle. It wasn’t anything dramatic that I was doing, it was the little things I was doing. I started listening to people who are ultra successful in online marketing.

I’ve always heard that you are a sum of the closest people around you. The one thing I did do that changed my success level was I surrounded myself with people who wanted the same thing I wanted.  Once my thinking changed everything else seemed to fall into place.

I thought to myself it really couldn’t be this easy. I mean what do I really do? I can tell you the one thing that has took me from barely making $200 a month to making $5000+ a month every month. I simply decided to change my lifestyle. By doing this, my entire monthly income has changed. I remember thinking to myself that I would never figure out how to make money online. It was like winning the lottery or something.

Change Your Lifestyle – Persistent , Consistent Action Pays Off

DSCN5272Innately I always realized that what we do with our time matters.

People often tell me that they are looking for ways to make extra money but very seldom are they willing to actually take action on those thoughts.

I use to think to change your lifestyle you had to first earn the income that equals the lifestyle.

It’s simply amazing what happens when you step into your true purpose in life.

It’s like something magical happens inside. Change occurs first on the inside and it manifest itself outwards.

I don’t know where you are in life, however I do know most people aren’t truly where they want to be in life. To change this you have to first make the decision to change your life circumstances.

This starts with deciding you are going to change your life style.

Once you make that decision you then have to be persistent with your action taking. This may mean trimming the fat so to speak. If the friends you have now are holding you back get rid of them. If your job is holding you back get rid of that.

Those of us who decided we wanted more for our lives became entrepreneurs. Working for yourself is one of the most liberating things you can do for your life.


Decide today to make the decision to change your lifestyle you have the choice to make the decision or you can choose not too. The choice is ultimately yours, however deciding here and now to make that decision to you enable yourself to live a life very few people ever have the chance to live.

Ultimately the choice is yours. Living an amazing lifestyle is right around the corner, click here now to begin your journey….





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My Trip To Miami Florida Chilling At The Eden Roc

My First Private Mastermind With Empower Network

Eden RocI have been in Empower Network since November 2011, June 7th I left my humble home in New Jersey to go meet David Wood And David Sharpe. It was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.

I stayed at the Eden Roc in Miami Florida all I can say about this place is that it’s amazing.

The scenery the food everything was just amazing.


Here is a video clip I took of the room I stayed in. Great room don’t you think?

Here is a video clip of Miami Beach

If your ever at Miami Beach Florida you have to check out the Eden Roc, you won’t be disappointed. With that said I wasn’t there for pleasure I was actually there getting some advanced marketing training. The kinda of training that produces 6 figure incomes.

Here is a quick clip with Aki Woods (Empower Network Member)

I find it sad really that there are thousands of people online pitching garbage to other people. My advice is if you want to make $5000 or $10,000 a month don’t listen to people who aren’t making that much money. Because if you do you will not be getting the information you need.

I met this guy Samual at the very first Empower Network , we been friends ever since


Let me tell you what happens when you plug into life changing information. The kind of information that has helped me have $1000 paydays. I know it sounds kind of unbelievable and I admit I was very skeptical when I got started. After studying the information and plugging into what was being taught my income just took off…

There is no need for you to try and figure out how to do it, because the plan has already been laid out.  A person once told me

“Larry if you keep doing what you are doing your going to keep getting what your getting”

That is where I was stuck at for a long time. I simply made a few changes in how I was marketing and what I was marketing and my entire life changed. I know at some point in life every last one of us had the desire to do something great with our lives.

Some people experience a dream…

…Other people experience an emotion

Yet others experience a sense of knowing…

And you probably experienced this in your own unique way. The one thing for sure is there is that moment when they knew it was the right time to buy. Some people know its the right time because it feels like the right time to buy. Some people know its the right decision by what they see happening before their eyes.

Still others get a certain feeling inside that is compelling them to buy. Yet others hear a voice inside their head telling them when it’s the right to buy and when it’s not to buy. The best part is you can decide to buy or not buy in your own unique way – I trust your unconscious mind to make the right decision.

I know that your probably wondering ‘just how easy is it to get started, after I join now’ and I thought the same thing, back in 2011

What you need to do to get started making the money you want, is click the button below…

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