While I ventured into internet marketing back in 2002, I really didn’t start making money till I started blogging. A lot of people will tell you that you need to start blogging because it gets you free traffic.
While that is partly true…
The reality is it’s very hard to get organic traffic from search engines and social networks when all you are blogging about is how to make money online. I started making money blogging because it was a way for me to connect with my subscribers on my email list.
The real power of blogging is it gives you the power to connect to someone on a more personal intimate level. It is at this level that you are able to get people to join businesses with you. Blogging is the best way to create that rapport with a person who lives on the other side of the planet.
Maximize Your Earning Potential With Blogging
A huge mistake is people start to blog without actually having a marketing funnel in place. Lot’s of new bloggers go get adsense or some other contextual advertising and think they are going to make money.
Some bloggers sign up for affiliate programs like amazon.com hoping to sell products. What usually ends up happening is they make a couple of dollars, however it never ends up being enough for them to quit their day job.
Unleashing a tidal wave of money getting deposited into your bank account from blogging is easy once you start blogging with purpose. That purpose can be to entertain, to educate or just to share your personal story of life.
The first step you should take is to start surrounding yourself around successful bloggers. Get involved with their online marketing businesses. Connect with them. Not to long ago I was having a conversation with someone who said they want to be mentored by someone who is making $50,000 a month.
The fact is this: Mentors don’t look for students. A good student will seek out a teacher and prove to that person they are worth the mentors time. I’ve been marketing online for 12 years. I average 35 to 40 hours a week online building my business. I’ve been spending that much time online for over a decade now. That’s thousands of hours of immersed in the internet marketing world.
Technically most people could never afford to be coached by me. One of the biggest draws to internet network marketing for me is the fact that you can join someones business and they are obligated to teach you. The more they teach you, the better you get, the more money they make.
It’s a win/win situation. You get the training and knowledge you need to transition into an amazing career. Your mentor get’s the satisfaction of knowing they helped you as well as more money in their pockets…
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