How To Avoid Failing Like Other People When It Comes To Internet Marketing

It’s late at night and you are staring at your computer monitor wondering if indeed you can make money doing internet marketing. It seems like it was a lifetime ago that I was doing that very thing.

I failed so many times trying to figure out a way to make money without having to get a job that I was beginning to feel like there wasn’t going to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

To make matters worse it seemed like everywhere I clicked people online made it seem like it was easy to make money through internet marketing.

The problem I faced and it may be the same problem you face today is who do you trust to teach you what you need to know to thrive online? Continue reading How To Avoid Failing Like Other People When It Comes To Internet Marketing

Keeping It Real – Blogging The Way It Was Meant To Be



While I ventured into internet marketing back in 2002, I really didn’t start making money till I started blogging.  A lot of people will tell you that you need to start blogging because it gets you free traffic.

While that is partly true…

The reality is it’s very hard to get organic traffic from search engines and social networks when all you are blogging about is how to make money online. I started making money blogging because it was a way for me to connect with my subscribers on my email list.

The real power of blogging is it gives you the power to connect to someone on a more personal intimate level. It is at this level that you are able to get people to join businesses with you. Blogging is the best way to create that rapport with a person who lives on the other side of the planet.

Maximize Your Earning Potential With Blogging

A huge mistake is people start to blog without actually having a marketing funnel in place. Lot’s of new bloggers go get adsense or some other contextual advertising and think they are going to make money.

Some bloggers sign up for affiliate programs like hoping to sell products. What usually ends up happening is they make a couple of dollars, however it never ends up being enough for them to quit their day job.

Unleashing a tidal wave of money getting deposited into your bank account from blogging is easy once you start blogging with purpose. That purpose can be to entertain, to educate or just to share your personal story of life.

The first step you should take is to start surrounding yourself around successful bloggers. Get involved with their online marketing businesses. Connect with them.  Not to long ago I was having a conversation with someone who said they want to be mentored by someone who is making $50,000 a month.

The fact is this: Mentors don’t look for students. A good student will seek out a teacher and prove to that person they are worth the mentors time. I’ve been marketing online for 12 years. I average 35 to 40 hours a week online building my business. I’ve been spending that much time online for over a decade now. That’s thousands of hours of immersed in the internet marketing world.

Technically most people could never afford to be coached by me. One of the biggest draws to internet network marketing for me is the fact that you can join someones business and they are obligated to teach you. The more they teach you, the better you get, the more money they make.

It’s a win/win situation. You get the training and knowledge you need to transition into an amazing career. Your mentor get’s the satisfaction of knowing they helped you as well as more money in their pockets…

I have already put in the time and spent the money to find out what the absolute best online opportunity to be involved with in 2013 onward. I highly recommend you click the banner below and investigate this for yourself.  I personally work with people who join my in what I am doing. I can help you transition from employee drone to living in total freedom..

If that is something that interest you absolutely click the banner below…


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Sharing A Breakthrough I had IN Chicago At The Empower Network Event

My Personal Experience At The Empower Network Chicago Event

I am doing very well in Empower Network. People may hear my story and think that they can’t make it happen. The reality for me was that back in 2011 I didn’t have a big list. I didn’t have a lot of money to build a business with.  I was actually getting ready to give up on all this internet network marketing stuff.

…Something changed for me though,

I remember watching a video that I am going to give you access to that literally rocked my world. I remember sitting there thinking to myself that:

This is exactly what I was missing in my business


 My first Empower Network Event Was In Atlanta Georgia

It was my first ever internet marketing event. I didn’t really know what to expect. I also really didn’t have the money to go. But I found a way and it really stretched me. I am glad I took that leap of faith because ever since that event my life has changed beyond my wildest imagination.

…But that’s not why I am blogging to you today,

I am doing this post because I want to share with you me and my teams experience at the most recent empower network event.  It shows a level of growth that I never imagined in my life. It also tells me that if I can do this, I know anyone can.

Team Inspire Hangout After The Empower Network Chicago Event

Income Disclaimer : This is not a get rich program and any results or income claims you see are NOT typical. Your results will depend 100% on your own skills and efforts

Watch the video if you feel yourself wanting to be part of our team click the button below we would love to have you a part of our family….

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Teaching My Online Marketing Strategy To Those Who Have Ears To Listen

Using An Online Marketing Strategy That Works


I am not sure how you happened along to my personal blog. Maybe it was from a random search in google or you been following all of my marketing.

Either way I want to share with you why I am so excited about being a part of the Empower Network. First though I want to tell you a little bit more about me.

Around 2006 I joined a network marketing business that I started making a nice size monthly residual income.

I don’t want to say how much because it was many years ago and unfortunately I was foolish and never backed up my work back than. Super long story short, the company shut it’s doors and with that I lost my nice monthly residual income. Continue reading Teaching My Online Marketing Strategy To Those Who Have Ears To Listen

So Ya… I am going to Empower Networks First Ever Conference!


I know I said I wasn’t going to talk about marketing much on this blog. But I am about to take a big step. I am going to my first ever event. I feel so strongly about the quality of Empower Network that I have to go. See I have been at this online marketing thing for 10 + years. Continue reading So Ya… I am going to Empower Networks First Ever Conference!