Sharing A Breakthrough I had IN Chicago At The Empower Network Event

My Personal Experience At The Empower Network Chicago Event

I am doing very well in Empower Network. People may hear my story and think that they can’t make it happen. The reality for me was that back in 2011 I didn’t have a big list. I didn’t have a lot of money to build a business with.  I was actually getting ready to give up on all this internet network marketing stuff.

…Something changed for me though,

I remember watching a video that I am going to give you access to that literally rocked my world. I remember sitting there thinking to myself that:

This is exactly what I was missing in my business


 My first Empower Network Event Was In Atlanta Georgia

It was my first ever internet marketing event. I didn’t really know what to expect. I also really didn’t have the money to go. But I found a way and it really stretched me. I am glad I took that leap of faith because ever since that event my life has changed beyond my wildest imagination.

…But that’s not why I am blogging to you today,

I am doing this post because I want to share with you me and my teams experience at the most recent empower network event.  It shows a level of growth that I never imagined in my life. It also tells me that if I can do this, I know anyone can.

Team Inspire Hangout After The Empower Network Chicago Event

Income Disclaimer : This is not a get rich program and any results or income claims you see are NOT typical. Your results will depend 100% on your own skills and efforts

Watch the video if you feel yourself wanting to be part of our team click the button below we would love to have you a part of our family….

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So Ya… I am going to Empower Networks First Ever Conference!


I know I said I wasn’t going to talk about marketing much on this blog. But I am about to take a big step. I am going to my first ever event. I feel so strongly about the quality of Empower Network that I have to go. See I have been at this online marketing thing for 10 + years. Continue reading So Ya… I am going to Empower Networks First Ever Conference!