Sharing A Breakthrough I had IN Chicago At The Empower Network Event

My Personal Experience At The Empower Network Chicago Event

I am doing very well in Empower Network. People may hear my story and think that they can’t make it happen. The reality for me was that back in 2011 I didn’t have a big list. I didn’t have a lot of money to build a business with.  I was actually getting ready to give up on all this internet network marketing stuff.

…Something changed for me though,

I remember watching a video that I am going to give you access to that literally rocked my world. I remember sitting there thinking to myself that:

This is exactly what I was missing in my business


 My first Empower Network Event Was In Atlanta Georgia

It was my first ever internet marketing event. I didn’t really know what to expect. I also really didn’t have the money to go. But I found a way and it really stretched me. I am glad I took that leap of faith because ever since that event my life has changed beyond my wildest imagination.

…But that’s not why I am blogging to you today,

I am doing this post because I want to share with you me and my teams experience at the most recent empower network event.  It shows a level of growth that I never imagined in my life. It also tells me that if I can do this, I know anyone can.

Team Inspire Hangout After The Empower Network Chicago Event

Income Disclaimer : This is not a get rich program and any results or income claims you see are NOT typical. Your results will depend 100% on your own skills and efforts

Watch the video if you feel yourself wanting to be part of our team click the button below we would love to have you a part of our family….

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What People Are Really Looking For In An Online Business

Let’s Just Cut The B.S And Have Some Real Talk

I would like to share with you our team’s Google Hangout last night. We share a lot of good stuff …

If you happen to be a stay at home dad or stay at home mom, if you work 50 + hours a week the one thing most all of us can agree on is we need more money. To often when people start thinking about getting involved with a business they are focused on finding products they can represent.

..There is a huge disconnect with people when it comes to online marketing

For lot’s of people around the world network marketing type businesses are a way for people to supplement their incomes. The problem is many of these people aren’t making money. In fact most people are failing..

They are failing because they aren’t really clear on what their intention is. They are to busy talking about their products which nobody cares about.

Let’s Talk About What People Really Care About

If people were to be really honest with themselves they are doing whatever it is they are doing because they want money.  If there wasn’t a compensation plan to most of these “products” people wouldn’t be so enthused about pushing the products.

Again it’s a total disconnect…

You need to give people what they want! I started realizing this back in 2008 and started searching for something that I would buy even if I wasn’t trying to sell it. So I turned to what I was already buying without a compensation plan attached…

…That my friends was education

If someone said to you -> Just do this and do this and do that and you will make $10,000 a month part – time would that interest you? That is the type of thing that can happen when you get educated. Am I  making that much money myself in my part – time business?

Not yet… But I am very very close because I have been applying what I have been learning in my internet business.  I found the holy grail that everyone online who wants to make money is looking for. I know I was shocked at first, especially when the money finally came pouring in.

Here is some proof of whats going on in my business..


Due To legal concerns I need to tell you that results can and do vary. Just because I have made money doesn’t mean you will make money. While I believe 100% in what I do and I believe 100% that you can also achieve great results. I still don’t know you well enough to know how you will do. Also to be totally transparent here is a Income Disclaimer.


 Action Steps

Opt in below, watch the free video presentation. If it makes sense to you, go ahead take decisive action. I promise you that if you join I answer my phone and emails. I will do everything I can humanly do to help you achieve the success you are seeking…




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Google Hangout With Some Of My Friends

Google Hangout Feb 27th Hanging Out With My Internet Family

Enjoy the hangout, I did with my Team Inspire . Instead of me rambling on 🙂

I will just share my banner ad with you. If you like what are hearing in our hangout, opt in below and let’s do this!


p.s This is by far gotta be the shortest blog post I’ve ever done!

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Are Your Words Hurting Your Business?

This is something I recently started thinking about…

Since I have been having a breakthrough in my business I have been re-evaluating the things that I felt held me back for so long.  I believe that I was short – circuiting my ability to make sales online because I was subconsciously telling people not to join my business. When I first started this blog I had no plans of ever promoting on it, then it dawned on me..

…Why not?

By now there are countless people out there struggling to make money online.

Friday Sept 7th I had another killer day making money online. Again I wasn’t expecting it to happen  I think when you finally understand that wealth happens when you change the way you think from the inside out that incredible things start to happen.



Quick Income Disclaimer : So that is what my Friday Sept 7th 2012 looked like $625 , I didn’t show you my stats early that week, which were all nice days,


I use to get caught up on the “how” all the time, finally I stopped concerning myself with the how and started focusing on how I feel. It’s interesting that a skill I learned through studying martial arts can also be applied in wealth creation.

When I say the words wealth creation what do you think about? Often people think wealth is just about money. It’s not though wealth encompasses happiness,health and money. You need to be balanced in life to truly be wealthy in life.

The laws of attraction or the secret if you will states:

that whatever you feel will ultimately be what you think and the combination will be your reality.

 …The real question is what do you want your reality to feel like?

I can help you tap into the wealth inside you that is waiting to get out. Where there is a “will” there is a “way”. I can provide the way, if only you have the will.

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Results Vary Of Course But Who Wouldn’t Like These?

Something funny happens when money starts pouring into your online business. You start to realize “Hey this stuff really works and it works well”! Today I just wanted give you a snap shot what the past several days looked like in my empower network business.

While these types of results aren’t typical they become more typical the better you get at marketing online.  I am excited to be in a position to really help people understand how to put money in their pockets.  My success story comes from failing many times trying to market online.

Every year I do this I get better and better results. For me it’s not that it takes a long time, it took me a long time to learn the right things..

If you want to save yourself the headache and aggravation check out the business I am involved with Empower Network. We have full team support…. You can register below to find out more!

Internet Network Marketing

Internet Network Marketing

P.S. If your like me you tired of doing things the hard way. You just wanna do something that works. (I started doing something different and it’s working just get in and I’ll show you)
….WELL you can’t fool 36,000+ paid member’s can you ?

Internet Network Marketing

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