Generation X My Point Of View

Larry Rivera – Born Generation X

I was born in 1975  I consider myself a young Gen Xer. After watching a video I recently discovered at:

What I think Baby Boomers don’t understand about us is that we are technology.  Where gadget people. Heck just look at the cartoons we use to watch as little kids.

Inspector Gadget came out in 1983 I was only 8 years old when it came out.

The Little Rascals came out originally called “Our Gang” as a silent short and  went to sound in 1929 by the time we where kids a lot has happened.

What Shaped Generation X

We were raised on media.  I didn’t realize this but since I have the pleasure to be a work at home father I watch the t.v shows that my daughters watch.

It horrifies me to think that I was watching movies like this at their age……. Now before watching this video consider this. Most of us Generation x boys for sure watched movies like this at one time or another starting around age 8 or 9.

Or maybe just me lols…….

What I think is scary is the fact that kids today can pretty much have access to as much media as they want for free and like seriously you can’t stop them. Sure you can put up blocks and such on your computer. But in some cases the kids know more about the computers than their parents… I see that all the time.

Not all xer’s are computer savvy many of them would rather go outside than stay inside staring at a computer all day. My daughter is pretty computer savvy for a 7 year old. I am going to have to keep my eyes on her.

Generation X the Cold War Our War!

Cropped screenshot of Ronald Reagan from the t...
Image via Wikipedia

Every generation had their moments. We also grew up in good economic times. The first president I really remember was Ronald Reagan.

I don’t think anyone messed with us in those days, I think because everyone thought that he would just nuke everyone else.

Who would have thought that an actor would make such a  powerful president.  During WW1 they had Sgt York.

During WW2 they had Patton. According to him all Americans love to fight.

We grew up during relative peace time, Our idea of war looked something like this lols…

Thank you for the time reading this post, I will be doing a lot more writing about our Generation X.  What we grew up with our influences and why we do the things we do.

Where you born during these years 1961 to 1981 ? What do you remember life like growing up?

Published by

Larry Rivera

Thanks for reading my blog. was started because someone told me once that If I am going to "try" and make money online I need buy my name domain. What you will find on this blog is things that interest me. If you like any of the articles I write, leave me a comment and lets connect :-) - When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Appears

14 thoughts on “Generation X My Point Of View”

  1. Larry, growing up in Nigeria with televison? Our TV Station starts showing by 4pm everyday and close by 12 midnight. We watched Sesame Street, Love Boat, NTA Network News@ 9 and lots of other stuff i had no business watching!

  2. Larry~
    Thank you for giving me a back link! Goodness, this is really sad~ looking at where ‘the little rascals’ all ended up! The negative effects of the media is alarming! I don’t see it getting any better! I’m grateful to have found this positive community online!

    1. OMG! right after watching that video about the little rascals I was like dang, that’s terrible.

      I agree if you take everything in perspective, media is really putting a monkey wrench on our morality in the world.

      Truthfully, although there have been some incredible advances in society. The world could do with less media driven control.

      Thanks for stopping in.

  3. Like you, I have been rather appalled at what my kids watch these days. and the “music”… arggghhhh…

    Then of course we listened to some pretty wild stuff too.

    The bad part in today’s world for kids is there is so MUCH video, games, WII, stuff that some kids literally spend all of their waking moments on ‘not real’ entertainment instead of growing their people skills by playing with other kids.


    1. Hi Fred,

      Just a quick heads up. For whatever reason on both my blogs you keep ending up in the spam folder. I am not sure why but I just wanted to let you know.

      Thanks for stopping by

  4. I’m ’79, I’m honestly not sure whether or not that is Generation X or Y. Either way, I’m an outdoor person and help my kids to be as much as I can. I’m a firm believer that the welfare of our children begins at home.

    I don’t even have a gaming system. Before I started online marketing, I checked my email every 3 months.

  5. I like this post very Not all xer’s are computer savvy many of them would rather go outside than stay inside staring at a computer all day. My daughter is pretty computer savvy for a 7 year old. I am going to have to keep my eyes on her.

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  7. Hey there I really enjoyed your great article on Generation X My Point Of View. Some genuinely nice stuff on this internet site, I love it.

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