Setting up a marketing online membership site for you
While I don’t exactly know how many of you found my blog because of my other blogs or other forms of marketing. I just wanted to let those of you who are seeking for answers in on something.
I am starting a membership site over at my profitonknowledge site. It isn’t going to be a typical site. I decided instead of “trying” to convince anyone of joining a business with me I am just going to share my marketing formula for you to follow.
I will be sharing my personal marketing blueprint. It is taking me awhile to get it built because I really am working on over delivering on value. There will be nothing to purchase unless you feel the need to do so. I will talk more about this as I get closer to launching it….
More from around the web on marketing online
Online Marketing And Article Submissions
The Internet has allowed businesses, big or small the opportunity to capture the same audience and customers. Traditionally, expensive SEO services (search engine optimization) or pay per click …
Publish Date: 10/15/2010 3:08
5 Steps To Make Money Online Marketing | …
Make money online marketing is simple. In reality there is no need to turn to complex or unknown ideas to make money online but instead focus on what really works in internet marketing and seo. Internet is a big marketplace where …
Publish Date: 10/14/2010 18:19
Emerging Opportunities of Online Marketing | Social Marketing Tips
Online marketing is a common trend among the industry owners to improve the growth of their business by attracting potential online customers.
Publish Date: 10/15/2010 2:28
That wraps up this post, I will be posting more about my marketing online membership site as I get more details.

Great post and very interesting information! Wish you the best of luck and looking forword to checking your blog more often. I’ve subscribed to your site so hopefully you will continue to add some future content!
Feel free to check out my blog at Make Money Online, like my facebook fan page, and subscribe as well! Thanks for networking together!
All the best,
Dino Vedo
Thanks for sharing the information. By the way I have a small business at Wildwood, NJ. My business is in very critical situation from last six months. My firm is in loss & I am not able to control the situation. I think it is beyond my hands & I should go for business consultant. I heard about Marc D. Manoff Consulting. He is business consultant & has experience of several years as an entrepreneur. I am thinking about hiring him. I am not too sure. What do you guys say….
It really depends on what you are trying to achieve. What kind of firm is it?
If you are thinking about taking your business online you should talk to a professional. I recommend interviewing a few different marketers..
Prices vary as well as experience…
I am sure you couldn’t afford me 🙂
Just be careful though there are lots of folks out there capitalizing on local marketing niches and
….for a lack of better words really ripping people off..