Spending The Day At Brigantine Beach With My Family

brigantine beach I had a great time with my family and friends at Brigantine beach. I have been living in New Jersey for a little over 20 years.

I confess I never visited this side of the Jersey Shore. I’ve always went to Ocean City or Wildwood. With that said I have to say that this beach is awesome.

I say that because I am not to fond of crowded beaches and Brigantine is certainly one of those beaches that is flying under the radar.

There is only are only 2 issues with this beach depending on who you are.

The first one is there are no restrooms. For guys I don’t think that is much of a problem but for the ladies that could be an issue. If you have to do a #2 you might be in a pinch if you know what I mean?

The second issue is there is no boardwalk. I know for many New Jerseyians and tourist alike they like going to the shore because we have bad ass boardwalks.

Unfortunately if you are looking for that festive environment you won’t that here. Rather what you will find is some peace and quite.



I took a quick video and some pictures whilst I was At Brigantine Beach





Sometimes it’s the small things in life that matter. I enjoyed myself and look forward to visiting Brigantine. I will be coming here again for sure. After getting done writing this post I realized that I don’t actually have a category on this blog that is dedicated to my actual “life” so consider this the first in a long life of life type post 🙂


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Larry Rivera

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