Harlem Globetrotters|Halftime Show|Wildwood

I Haven’t Been To Wildwood In Almost 20 years

I don’t know when really was the last time I was In Wildwood New Jersey, however if memory serves me correctly it’s been close to 20 years. Maybe more like 15 but it feels like over 20 years. I have to say, not much has changed. The boardwalk still was fun, the smells of french fries, funnel cake & Salt Water Taffy where strong.

I tend to shy away from places like Wildwood simply because I prefer chilling out in less tourist type places.

Harlem GlobeTrotters Half Time Show

My youngest daughter is 6 years old. She made the team at Bright Stars. She had the opportunity to be part of the half – time show at the Harlem Globetrotters show. How cool is that? I thought it was pretty cool. I never seen a Globetrotter show before, I have watched them on T.V. seen them on Scooby Doo etc. However I never seen them live. Let me tell you I am so glad I did, they are very entertaining.

The Harlem GlobeTrotters Halftime Show

So I did manage to get some footage of my daughters team performing. The video was a little fuzzy I wasn’t use to using my canon as a hand held video camera. So I was having a difficult time with the manual focusing..

I also took some pictures while in Wildwood that I will share with you…



wildwood boardwalk






Until Next Time…

Larry Rivera

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Published by

Larry Rivera

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