Birds Dying Is The End Coming? Read Now!

Birds Dying – Have You Been Watching The News?

Dead bird
Image by color line via Flickr

With the power of the internet it is easier to keep track of what is going on around the world. In recent news a chilling event seems to be happening everywhere and I don’t mean the cold!  Birds dying and fallen out of the sky, fish showing up on the shores what does all this mean?

Does it have something to do with some top secret experiment? Aliens maybe? Or is it the hand of god getting ready to cast judgement on his people? (I can not prove or refute the evidence I can merely share with you my findings and let you come to your own conclusions.)—> I always wanted to say that line!

Seriously though just check out what is going on!

Birds Dying – This Is What The News Is Saying

This video suggest that birds are dying off because of fireworks. Those of you who live in the United States are familiar with the 4th of July right?  Why don’t we here about the thousands of birds that die every 4th of July? The reason is simple. That doesn’t occur. Seriously don’t you think 5000 birds know enough to stay away from big bright exploding noise?

This video suggest a massive winter storm, natural causes etc. Why don’t they just say “We Don’t Know What The Hell Is Going On”. This isn’t just isolated in the United States. This is happening also in Sweden.

As you can see this seems to be a world event. This is happening on the other side of the world as well. Seriously what is going on? More importantly why isn’t this getting a lot more airplay.  Lets see in the 35 years I have been on this planet. I have never heard of such things happening. Of course scientist say this type of thing occurs all the time. Except all the other times in never made the headlines.. Are you kidding me? Arkansas , Kentucky, California, Sweden, Italy seems kind of fishy to me. Speaking Of Fish

Birds Dying – Oh Ya Don’t Forget About The Fish

The thing is either event by themselves wouldn’t alarm me very much. But the fact that this stuff is happening at the same time kinda concerns me just a tad.

Again this doesn’t seem to be a isolated event

A lot of people are saying that the fish died off because of recent cold weather. While I am aware that this kinda thing happens, I still need to point out that all of this stuff is happening at the same time. The answers the media are giving are lame at best. Anyhow that is whats going on.

Birds Dying,  Fish Dying Reports From Around The Web

World-Wide Reports of Dying Fish, Birds, and Crabs » Tech Jackal

B.S. Never in my lifetime have I ever heard or know about birds falling from the sky and fish dying all over the world at the same time. To say that there unrelated is totally idiotic. I don’t believe that fireworks caused it. …

Publish Date: 01/08/2011 9:39

Uncensored Magazine | Birds and Fish Now Dying All Around the World

Haiti: Mysterious fish kill prompts ban. Italy: Thousands of Doves are Dying. Update 3 Birds Dying In Italy: Thousands Of Turtle Doves Fall Dead From Sky. Japan: On alert after finding dead birds. New Zealand: Hundreds of snapper dead …

Publish Date: 01/10/2011 17:49

Issues On Call: Dead Birds, Dead Fish … Alaska…and nobody

And one of the first rules of science — especially really, really bad science — is that if you look hard enough you will find that for which you are looking. Now it has been found. The birds are dying! The fish are dying! …

Publish Date: 01/10/2011 13:22

Birds dropping dead out of the clear sky, fish dying, dead crabs washing up on shore and Snooki writing a book=Signs of the Apocalypse?

By DrSaori at 01/11/2011 13:24

lmao @MsElyse85. Wat u think about birds/fish dying?Reply my honest opinion I don’t give a darn.Im scared of birds and I don’t eat fish. lol

By O_SoExquisite at 01/11/2011 12:51

has anyone found any credible explanation for why these birds & fish are dying everywhere? all i can find is temperature shit.

By mcsole at 01/11/2011 12:45

Anyways I was just curious to hear what you think about all this stuff going on? Leave a comment and let me know!

Published by

Larry Rivera

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