Recently I’ve been researching and experimenting with Intermittent Fasting. I am excited to share with you some of the things I discovered about the “IF” diet.
I would bet a zillion dollars that there are literally millions of people all over the world that get the whole diet and exercise thing all wrong. When you ask most people if they want to live a healthy long life the answer is usually yes. However here in America we are in a health crisis.
People are getting sick at a staggering rate. Today you can research pretty much anything online and you will pretty much find what you are looking for. On the flip side of that though, there is a bunch of information being taught today that simply is wrong.
A perfect example of this people who are in the health and wellness world telling people that they need to eat breakfast and or have 6 small meals throughout the day. Part of today’s health crisis is people are simply eating to dam much food.
Recently I started intermittent fasting also known as the IF diet. Over the years I literally tried all types of diets all of which I either felt like I was starving myself or it was just to time consuming to do. The end result is I failed at it and felt miserable because of it. Continue reading Rebooting Your Health With Intermittent Fasting