Is Generation X Preparing For Retirement?
- Image by thecameo via Flickr
I would say sorta kinda, not really. While we invest money away we are spending it just as fast as we are making it. What meager funds we have put a side isn’t nearly enough.
Most of my grandparents passed away over 9 years ago. They lived to their late 80’s they retired back in the 70’s and managed to make it on their retirement till the died.
I can’t even imagine having that much money saved up when I hit retirement age. I saw how much they where paying every month to live in their “community” that’s crazy talk I tell ya.
Being born in 1975 3 of my grand parents where retired. My parents still work. So ya I think we have big problems ahead in the future.
Generation X‘ers Looking At Big Financial Problems As They Reach …
Will there be any money left for Generation X‘ers when they seek to retire? Gen X‘ers are those born between 1961 and 1981.
Publish Date: 09/16/2010 12:25
Cheezy Generation X Movie
From the Vault: Generation X (1996) | Major Spoilers – Comic Book …
Review of the awesomely bad 1996 TV film Generation X.
Publish Date: 06/08/2010 10:25
While there are ton of shows I liked watching in the 90’s I missed this one. I am kinda glad I did, do you remember it?
Generation X -Vs- Generation Y
Very interesting post this one was. I don’t think the writer actually took the time to interview a lot of Gen Xers before writing it. I can’t really say I even agree with it at all. But the post annoyed me so I thought I would blog about it.
Gen x and Gen Y not meeting halfway
How many of you have noticed more and more younger folks opting for entrepreneurship over the last 5 years as compared to ever before? And this number is steadily increasing each year. No longer are cozy corporate jobs the big thing. Publish Date: 09/06/2010 21:00