So I told myself I wouldn’t blog on this blog until the new year. But I keep seeing something that disturbs me. That is I see my rights as an American Citizen being slowly taken away 1 by 1.
Interestingly enough, it doesn’t seem like most Americans are concerned about this. They figure hey after what happened 9/11 we need to take more drastic measures. I don’t disagree with that, but when does taking more drastic measures interfere with our way of life?
So I wanted to sound a wake up call to all red blooded Americans who would rather fight for their freedom than die a slave to a country that lies… While smiling at you…
We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
– Abraham Lincoln
So really I ask you my fellow Americans is this okay with you? Please speak up and tell me your opinion on the matter. I think all of our kids and future generations are at stake.
Why did we fight the revolutionary war? Why did we fight the Civil War? Why did my grandfather(s) fight in WW2? Why did my dad fight in Vietnam? I always believed a small part of it was to protect our freedom. To live in a country free of tyranny a country were everyone has a chance to live a good life. A free life?
Is this not the case anymore, have we lost our way? Are we content allowing others to think for us and tell us what to believe?
Related articles
- The Latest GI To Die in Iraq (lewrockwell.com)
- So Long, America (lewrockwell.com)
- Obama Continues His Assault on Our Constitution (devil67712.wordpress.com)