WordPress Version 4.0 Kids Going Back To School & Other News

back to schoolI just updated this wordpress installation to version 4.0. Geeze where does the time go. WordPress does function a hell of a lot better. Even though people still have problems time to time with different plugins and themes.

So far so good though I like it!

… In Other News,

I finally got this blog back up and running. I am not longer hosting my websites with 1 and 1 hosting. I’ve had a love hate relationship with them since 2006. Anyhow if you have stopped by here in the past few days you may have noticed that my site was down. Thanks to my great friend and business partner Jamie Pelaez I am back up again!!!!

Things with Enter Shaolin are still coming together nicely. If all goes well we will be opening up the affiliate side of it soon.

My kids are going back to school. I have to say I love to have them home during the summer. They are growing up so fast it feels like yesterday that I was changing diapers. I confess though I am glad they have gone back. It gives them something to do, they get educated and most importantly its quite around here during the day.

Anyhow that’s all I have for right now. I plan on taking the effort to post around here more frequently so hopefully you will be hearing from me more often.

Published by

Larry Rivera

Thanks for reading my blog. LarryRivera.com was started because someone told me once that If I am going to "try" and make money online I need buy my name domain. What you will find on this blog is things that interest me. If you like any of the articles I write, leave me a comment and lets connect :-) - When The Student Is Ready The Teacher Appears

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