Weekend Thought: In A Moment Everything Can Turn Upside Down

Larry Rivera

I was just thinking back on a very tragic experience I had in my life. It got me wondering how quickly life can be turned upside down and how precious life really is. More often than not we tend to live moment by moment day by day.

Because of this we forget to stop and really take in the experience. Every moment could be your last moment. The fact is you never know. Stop what your doing right now go outside feel the sun beating down on your face. Call someone you love and let them know that you love them.


I am a parent myself. I have been fortunate in my life to be able to be a stay at home dad. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to be with my kids. I built my martial arts school next to my house 10 years ago. I know this because I have this etched into the concrete in the front of my school.

Larry Rivera


That is my oldest daughters hand prints from when she was 1 years old. I look at my daughter today and can’t believe she is already 10. It really does feel like yesterday that I was changing her diapers and singing to her in her crib. In another blink of an eye she is going to be leaving my house and moving on to adulthood.

Right now she is a messy 10 year old girl who is carefree and enjoys her life.

I understand from first hand experience how difficult it can be to get your baby to sleep. How demanding they are as toddlers you have to have a constant eye on them all the time. And sometimes you will feel absolutely exhausted. When your feeling helpless, weary and snappy stop yourself and tell yourself you experiencing something that will be gone in a flash.

Looking back on my experience with my own 2 children I wouldn’t trade a moment of that time. My children have given me more than I could ever give them. Because of them I have a life.

Having children has taught me the real meaning of living a self less life. It has showed me what unconditional love really means.

The Person Reading This

I am not a poet, nor am I some kind of prolific writer. I am just sharing with you some wisdom I have learned in the 37 years I have been on this planet. Life has been roller coaster with highs and lows and sometimes curves and loop de loops.

I have lost friends and family in a moment. I have lost the opportunity to say good bye to people I loved and cared for. I have missed so much in my life that I can never get back. Every moment you are alive take that moment stop and embrace it for all it’s worth.

It may be your last moment or maybe it may be the last time you see someone and never got a chance to say how you really feel. Take every moment as an opportunity to express yourself to the fullest.

A good friend of mine likes to say you have a choice to make today a good day or a bad day. It’s always your choice.

Choose to make today a good day. 


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Larry Rivera

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